Gayle Bell is a poet living in Dallas, TX who has been featured in poetry and art venues there. She identifies as a LGBTQY woman with a disability.
Hunter Boone is an agent provocateur, private investigator, and poet who lives and works in Kalamazoo, Michigan. His work has appeared in Ink Pantry, The Opiate Magazine, Rougarou, Projected Letters, Former People and others. For fun and amusement he enjoys dressing up as a member of the Deep State.
Agnieszka Filipek lives in Galway, Ireland. She writes in both her native tongue, Polish, and in English, and also translates in these languages. Her work has appeared in over 40 publications internationally, including in countries such as Poland, Ireland, India, Hong Kong, Bangladesh, England, Wales, Northern Ireland, Germany, Canada, and the United States. Her poems have appeared in The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, The Cicada’s Cry, Black Bough Poetry, Crannóg, The Blue Nib, Light Journal, Three Drops from a Cauldron, Chrysanthemum, Marble Poetry Magazine, Visual Verse Anthology, Writing Home: The ‘New Irish’ Poets Anthology, and elsewhere. Visit
Brendan Gillett is pending review.
Jen Karetnick is the author of five full-length poetry collections, including Hunger Until It's Pain (Salmon Poetry, forthcoming spring 2023); The Burning Where Breath Used to Be (David Robert Books, forthcoming August 2020); and The Treasures That Prevail (Whitepoint Press, September 2016), finalist for the 2017 Poetry Society of Virginia Book Prize. She is also the author of five poetry chapbooks, including The Crossing Over (March 2019), winner of the 2018 Split Rock Review Chapbook Competition. Her poems have been awarded the Hart Crane Memorial Prize, the Romeo Lemay Poetry Prize, the Anna Davidson Rosenberg Prize, and two Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Prizes, among others. Her work appears recently or is forthcoming in Barrow Street, The Comstock Review, december, Michigan Quarterly Review, Terrain, Under a Warm Green Linden, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and elsewhere. Co-founder and managing editor of SWWIM Every Day, Jen is currently a Deering Estate Artist-in-Residence. Find her on Twitter @Kavetchnik and Instagram @JenKaretnick, or see
Norbert Kovacs lives and writes in Hartford, Connecticut. He has published stories in Westview, Thin Air, STORGY, Corvus Review, and The Write Launch. His website is
Richard Krause has had two collections of fiction published titled Studies in Insignificance (Livingston Press, 2003) and The Horror of the Ordinary (Unsolicited Press, 2019). A third collection, 'Crawl Space' & Other Stories of Limited Maneuverability, will be published by Unsolicited Press in 2021. He also has had two collections of epigrams published, Optical Biases (EyeCorner Press in Denmark, 2012) and Eye Exams (Propertius Press, 2019). He has stories upcoming in GNU Journal and
Umbrella Factory Magazine. Krause lived for nine years in Japan and drove a taxi for five years in NYC. He currently lives in Kentucky where he is retired from teaching at a community college.
Nadia is a full-time Law student, part-time investigative journalist of what London's pigeons are planning when they flock together like that. She is from Sarawak, where the skies are considerably less grey, the weather is considerably less chilly, and the pigeons are considerably less bold.
Richard Parisio is a naturalist and educator living in NY’s Hudson Valley. His prose writing about the natural world has appeared as a weekly column in his local newspaper, the New Paltz Times, and his poetry has been published widely in literary journals. Parisio’s collection, The Owl Invites Your Silence, won the 2014 Slapering Hol Press Poetry Chapbook Award, and he won the Stone Canoe Poetry Award in 2015.
Pat Petrus is a 23-year-old writer and musician from Indianapolis, Indiana. This is his first time being published.
Aimee R. Thompson is a professional baker, writer, and collector of fine china. She holds a BA in Biology from Rollins College and an MFA in Creative Writing from Eastern Washington University. Her poetry has appeared in Poet Lore, The Ampersand Review, Ascent, Slab, and others. She lives in Spokane, Washington, with her husband and their two lop-eared lagomorphs.
Will Walker lives in San Francisco with his wife and their dog. He is a past editor of the Haight Ashbury Literary Journal and has a book available on Amazon, titled Wednesday After Lunch, as well as another forthcoming full-length collection called Zeus at Twilight.
Yuan Changming published monographs on translation before leaving his native country. Currently, Yuan edits Poetry Pacific with Allen Qing Yuan in Vancouver. Credits include ten Pushcart nominations, eight chapbooks, and publications in Best of the Best Canadian Poetry (2008-17) and BestNewPoemsOnline, among others.