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Frequently Asked Questions 


Please do read our FAQs below

Before you begin to go

Barking mad.


Where doth lie the answer to life? – In strife

Why is my answer not in death? – Ask breath

Do you know life savours the kill? – Yes, still


Where doth lie the answer to love? - Above

Why does the answer flee me? – Set it free

Do you know the heart’s famed rule? – To duel


If this does not help you, know

All we've left is ‘told you so’

Yes, it’s sad.




Kindred Prisons


'I am free' whispered the songbird to me

But I pointed towards its nest

To the hatchlings with hungry trusting eyes


'I am free' I whispered, meaning to be

But it pointed towards the rest

To the ones saddled with my cast-off ties




La pérdida de la luz del sol


Hoy, yo escribo en español

Crutched together from searches on Linguée,

Porque hoy no puedo decirlo

The one thing I need-want-have-dread to say

Salvo en una lengua nueva

Which will not my shame to home-eyes betray


Se que mi abuela está muerta

I learnt this after a year and a day

Asesinada por el Tiempo

While I sought fame in a land far away

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